Monday, August 31, 2009

to you, from me, with love

my friend erica is having a baby boy at the end of september and so i decided to try and make her some things for the baby. i've really been enjoying sewing and doing other craft'y' things lately. here are some pictures of the stuff i made. i am also knitting her a burp cloth but it's not done yet.
my first attempt at a quilt.
onsies i decorated :)

little elephant pillow i made with some extra fabric i had (sorry the pic is blurry)
here is the bird mobile i made for her... a friend of mine posted it and i fell in love with it (thanks kellie) so i had to try it. it was harder than i thought it would be to put together but i think it turned out pretty cute. :)


rachel.lyn said...

these are all beautiful!
you are so should open
an Etsy shop :)

Danielle said...

I am so impressed! The mobile is unbelievable and what a great idea for the stuffed animal. I am inspired!!

Elaine Roberts said...

Wheres my blankey??? LOVE IT! I would so pay you to make one for Jeremy... or hey, to teach me to make one! I love everything you made! And you did an awesome job decorating the church! Very cute!

Kellie said...

The bird mobile looks awesome Kelli! Great job :)

Danielle Kagy said...

Way to go girl! I am so impressed! I love, love, love the bird mobile!