Saturday, August 08, 2009

birds and babies.

my friend is having a baby boy in september and i am giving her a shower. i'm so excited to plan it and decorate. i have all these fun ideas. she's having a boy and instead of doing the "normal" blue theme i'm going with green brown and white. i bought some paper lanterns and a few other things today. i'm getting more and more excited. i'm also going with a bird/tree theme. we'll see how much i can find for that but that is my goal.
i also decided to make her gifts instead of buy stuff. i am making personalized onsies (which i'm excited about) and some personalized burp cloths.
and this.....

it's a bird mobile. isn't it cute?! i'm really excited to get started on it. i'm going to do the birds in blues and browns to match the nursery. i will post pics when i get some of this stuff done.

1 comment:

allhisblessings said...

LOve the mobile. where'd you find that??