so a friend of mine taught me to knit back in september. i decided..."hey i can make some Christmas presents..." well i've had this idea before but never followed through. well this year i did!!!! i feel accomplished. :) and frugal to a certain degree because making gifts is much cheaper than buying them and to me they have more "heart" in them. anyway.... i made my mom, jason's mom and my two grandma's a set with a trivet and 4 matching coasters. now remember these are the first things i've knitted so they are not fancy or anything but i'm still proud of myself for sticking with it. i hope they like them. :)
They look great! I want to learn to knit after I get sewing down. What a great gift idea!
Oooh...cute! I've learned to knit but am not patient enough...I need to learn to be though. Glad I found your blog! Will add it to my list! :)
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