Tuesday, July 22, 2008

oh what fun we have!

so this week started vacation bible school at our church. we are doing a walk through the life of Christ. here's the journey...

monday - Jesus' birth
tuesday - when Jesus was baptized and then tempted.
wednesday - feeding the 5000 and cleansing the leper
thursday - the crucifiction
friday - the resurrection

last night went really well. we had 13 kids (which for those of you that don't know, we are a small church so that was good for us). we made pop-up manger scenes and had sparkly star cookies for snack. unfortunatly i forgot my camera but i will have pictures from the rest of the week.


Jeremy's fam said...

I hope yall have fun. I'll be praying for your kids that they will learn alot while having fun. Can't wait to come see yall next month!

Jeremy's fam said...

hey, we miss you too!

allhisblessings said...

Hey I'm praying for you guys too!