Friday, November 11, 2011

my heart is full because of you.

i can't believe my baby boy turned 4 months old on the 7th. he is growing and changing daily and i am loving watching him as he learns new things and as his personality develops.
we went to his 4 month check-up today. he weighs 13 lb 6 oz which is in the 10% and 24 1/2 in which is in the 20%. he has such a sweet personality and LOVES to "talk"! i am so thankful that God has given Jason and i this little boy to care for and can't wait to continue to watch him grow! i am one blessed mama!

we have also started "food" this week. so far he has had rice cereal and sweet potatoes. he seems to really enjoy eating. next week we are going to try carrots.
i could stare at this sweet face all day! (probably why i don't get half the things done i intend to!)


rachel.lyn said...

hahaha...he looks like he is loving that cereal!!!
sweet boy...give him a kiss for me!

allhisblessings said...

Aww I need to see him again in person!!

Jana said...

I love seeing this little miracle for you guys! The Lord is so loving in giving him to you to raise and love!