Wednesday, February 09, 2011

it's been a while...

so it's been quite a while since i posted. i guess i just didn't have anything too interesting to post about.
well we are expecting again and very excited! i am 16.5 weeks and having a BOY! i think the reason i have waited so long to post about it this time is because i was afraid of something happening again. i had some issues at the beginning again which kind of added to the fear. i found out that i have an incompetent cervix and as of a couple weeks ago i had a cerclage put in. i am on complete bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. it's not how i saw my pregnancy being but i will do whatever it takes to get this baby here safe and healthy! i went to the dr. today and he is putting me on weekly progesterone shots to help prevent me from going into preterm labor. my due date is july 24! we can't wait for our sweet boy to get here. we are so thankful that God has blessed us with this miracle!

here are a few pictures of him at 14 weeks and 4 days.

looking at mommy and daddy, waving (see his little fingers)


Anonymous said...

AMAZING!!! and a boy! I am so excited for you and will continue praying. Love you guys!

allhisblessings said...

My heart just leaps inside my chest for you! Seeing his pictures and you shopping for car seats and strollers.... oh I'm so happy!